This Festschrift honors Kwok Pui-lan for her prescient, pioneering, critical, and constructive work for the multitude. We have assembled scholars of that multitude, connected by liberative, democratic, justice-oriented relationships and work, who have engaged with and learned from Kwok's scholarship. They represent not only various disciplinary and interdisciplinary approaches and theological views in their work but also different genders, races, and religious traditions. This complexity, we suggest, both allows for incongruencies and intersecting collaborations. By incongruencies, we assert that multitude does not mean privileges, prejudices, or power differentials disappear; by collaborations, we mean reading these essays as an opportunity to consider theological propositions in relation to multiple understandings that stretch us to further work across differences to disrupt settled positions, to dismantle systems of oppression, and to enable work that supports justice and the flourishing of multitudes.